ERP Costing

Are you on the lookout for a flexible and effective software for determination of your sales prices? Our solutions gives methodology and transparency for your costing and will not leave your margin to chance.

Your benefits of ERP Costing

A costing is a very important tool for a businessman. It is used in different variations and different situations. By knowing your margins and productions costs you can avoid production of of unprofitable goods. In our software a complete module for costing is integrated. Based on article basic data, parts lists and rated processes, it will calculate the costs for the following sectors:

  • Costing (your sales price)
  • Valuation-1 (cost accounting, production costs)
  • Valuation-2 (balance value)


  • Make your individual costing based on article or article groups
  • Minimize time requirement for costing tasks
  • Use cost categories to show standard costs
  • Complex costings can be made within a short time
  • The calculated data is the basis or price lists and stock assessments


  • Creation and management of costings
  • Creation and management of cost rates
  • Creation and management of cost categories
  • Creation and management of price lists
  • Archiving of costings

Calculation results

In the summary you can see the calculated amounts for raw material, the processes according to the work plan as well as general costs. The additional registers show:

  • the completely resolved parts list with costing and purchase prices of the raw materials
  • the completely resolved work plan with the calculated costs per work step
  • the cost rates including surcharges defined in

Cost rates

By linking of freely definable cost rates and groups with production-related data of work plan and steps, a high flexibility and transparency is guaranteed.


The archiving function generates a group of all active calculations with selectable indication and current date.

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