For more than 30 years, we have shipped our LOOMDATA servers with the Solaris operating system from Sun Microsystems. Solaris has been characterized over all these years by highest stability, excellent performance and security, and is one of the reasons, why we are able to support LOOMDATA systems all over the world with a small team of experts in Switzerland.
With the takeover of Sun Microsystems by Oracle in 2010, the operating system now known as Oracle Solaris began its slow descent into a niche product. And since HP, among others, no longer officially offers its servers for Solaris, it became necessary for us as LOOMDATA to switch to a new platform.
For this reason we started shipping our LOOMDATA servers with IBM’s Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system two years ago.
We are convinced, to have found with RHEL the right product and the right partner to continue leadership in terms of stability, security, performance and long-term availability.

What does this mean for our customers?
- We recommend to switch from Solaris 10 / 11 to RHEL during the next LOOMDATA release upgrade, so that you are up to date regarding security (firewall, security updates).
- For customers with higher security needs we recommend the change in the next months independently from a LOOMDATA release upgrade, if you already have LOOMDATA V6.0 in use.
- In addition to the regular LOOMDATA patches, we will also update the RHEL operating system with security updates in the future.
Please do not hesitate to contact us or your LOOMDATA partner directly if you have any questions.